The world is advancing in various fields. It has become easier to achieve whatever you want with the resources. Today, people can improve their smile just by opting for far more straightforward methods.

Now you can use Invisalign to align your teeth instead of going through the painful procedure of having metal braces. Having teeth that are not aligned is a common problem faced by adults and primarily teenagers. The only thing which can improve their smile is by seeking dental treatment.

In this article, we are going to discuss the process of Invisalign treatment and the biology behind it. So, if you have second thoughts about the process and want to know its details, then be our guest.

Invisalign Treatment Vs. Metal Braces

You can use Invisalign braces if you want to correct your smile but do not want to make it look too apparent while going through the process. They are also referred to as invisible braces. Bracing means supporting a structure long enough that it stands on its own. So referring to the aligners as braces is not wrong. However, the only difference here is that the Invisalign aligners are invisible.

Moreover, you might feel a little tenderness and discomfort at the start, but it’s nothing compared to the painful procedure of metal braces. Once your mouth and teeth get used to the tray, it hurts less and less gradually. Whereas with metal braces, you will experience constant pain or discomfort.

Lastly, in terms of eating food, people who wear Invisalign can eat any food. On the other hand, if you have metal braces, you need to be careful regarding the item you eat. For instance, the cake is good to eat, but if it is sticky or chewed like gummies or frost, then you can’t eat it.   

How Does Invisalign Treatment Mode Teeth

It is quite normal to have questions such as how exactly Invisalign trays can move the teeth. Ahead is the explanation backed up by the science behind it and other factors as well:

Biology Behind The Repositioning Of Teeth

It’s important to understand the biology basics to understand how Invisalign reposition the teeth. Your teeth are connected to your jawbone with the help of the periodontal ligament, which contains several fibres containing collagen. These fibres work together as anchors to support and secure the jaw and your teeth to the bone.

These collagen fibres are generally attached to the root and deposit the cementum in one side of the bone in the living cells.

On the other hand, these fibres are inserted in the jawbone in the periodontal ligament on the other side. Due to this action, a sling is created around the teeth to hold them in one place. However, the sling permits a little movement that your teeth might need as a reaction towards biting or eating food.

Change Is Constant

One thing about the human body is that it constantly changes. Even your smile might appear to be static, but the reality is that it’s also changing. To simplify this concept, think of your teeth as a remodelling project which is constantly on the go throughout the clock. This effect is gradual and not entirely visible.

Due to the changing activities and pressure in your mouth, your cementum, periodontal ligament, and jawbone react to it. For instance, biting creates tension and compression. This, in turn, is relayed to the ligament through the protein fibres.

As the tension increases, the deposit of cementum in the bone is increased. The compression results in the bone’s dissolution and resorption. These things are opposite to each other, which maintains a certain balance to keep the teeth intact in one place.

It’s A Slow, Gradual And Natural Process

Now the main process of Invisalign revolves around the manipulation of tension and compression. As explained earlier, tension and compression are the natural processes of your mouth. These forces are captured by Invisalign, which further aids in repositioning the teeth gradually over time.

The additional momentum created by Invisalign is preceded by bone resorption and cementum. You can also ask for a detailed breakdown of this process from your Invisalign dentist. If they are experienced in it, they will break it down for you.

Final Thoughts

So, this is the science behind the wonders of Invisalign treatment. The momentum created by these Invisalign trays is why your teeth align. It is an effective and less painful treatment as compared to others.